Lost Urn

I’ve looked everywhere. Up down. High and low. However, I just can’t seem to find IT. My grandma’s urn. Where is my grandma’s urn? Left right. It isn’t here. I need to find it. Under the couch. No in the closet? Cabinet. No no no! Where is it!

The phone rings. Once twice thrice. I ignore. I go the kitchen I keep looking. I need to find it. It was suppose to be out on its mantle today like always. But it wasn’t there.

I check my bedroom. Did I put it there on accident. No. It isn’t there. My main bathroom. My other bathroom. No no no!

The phone rings again.

I keep looking.

On the fourth call in a row I answer, “Hello? Is this important?

“Yes.” The voice on the other end is heavy with a thick accent.

“Out with it.” My eyes search the room Nothing. Nothing at all

“We have it!”

“Have what!”

I keep looking. “Nana’s urn. We have it be ready tomorrow.”

I freeze. How could they disrespect the woman that raised me like that?

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