Inspired by TheAstronomer

An item of huge sentimental value to your character is stolen, but the thieves propose a ransom...

What will your character do? You can choose which part of this story you tell, but try to keep this idea as the main premise.

Lost Urn

I’ve looked everywhere. Up down. High and low. However, I just can’t seem to find IT. My grandma’s urn. Where is my grandma’s urn? Left right. It isn’t here. I need to find it. Under the couch. No in the closet? Cabinet. No no no! Where is it!

The phone rings. Once twice thrice. I ignore. I go the kitchen I keep looking. I need to find it. It was suppose to be out on its mantle today like always. But it wasn’t there.

I check my bedroom. Did I put it there on accident. No. It isn’t there. My main bathroom. My other bathroom. No no no!

The phone rings again.

I keep looking.

On the fourth call in a row I answer, “Hello? Is this important?

“Yes.” The voice on the other end is heavy with a thick accent.

“Out with it.” My eyes search the room Nothing. Nothing at all

“We have it!”

“Have what!”

I keep looking. “Nana’s urn. We have it be ready tomorrow.”

I freeze. How could they disrespect the woman that raised me like that?

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