Write a story about a character who desperately wants to be famous.
The Butcher
Growing up in a house with eighteen other kids, is not ideal. The oldest of us being 25 and still living at home, cue the rolling of eyes. The youngest one being 2, and yes the terrible twos are a reality. What about me, you ask? Well I'm right smack dab in the middle at 13 years old. Most days I'm not even acknowledged and I just skate my way through life. Since I can get away with mostly everything, unless of course it's picking on the younger kids who will sacrifice you as if you were made of hot coal and burning them, I tend to do a bunch of experiments. My first ever experience was on our family cat, I'll spare you the gory details but let's just say I learned what the insides of a cat looked like. I know you may be thinking "what kind of sociopath cuts open a cat?", and honestly I can't blame you for thinking that about me cause I absolutely thought the same thing. Here's the thing though, I couldn't help myself. When I told my friends and family about it, I got so much attention that it gave me an adrenaline rush. Since that day though people never loooked at me the same, but if I'm being honest it didn't affect me any. In my opinion good or bad views on me didn't matter as much as how many people I could get to pay attention to me. I made a vow to myself shortly after that turning point in my life, I was going to be the most known person on the face of the planet.
I continued with animals for the rest of my childhood. Eventually making my way up to bigger game, like bear and moose. It was satisfying to say the least. My favorite part was the fact that I had gotten so good at it that I became the butcher for our small town. Everyone in our town knew who I was and I couldn't have been happier about it. But I knew it wasn't enough. I needed more. That's when I decided I would take things to the next level.
I had built a little spot inside of the bush next to her window. Just enough for my slender body to fit and peek over the edge of the window pane into her room. I toyed with her a bit, starting with tapping on the window in the middle of the night. Every time she would look outside and not see me, even while I was staring right at her, gave me a rush like nothing else. I would spend every night outside of her window and watch her do everything from calling her friends to getting changed. And before you get the wrong idea, no I wasn't being a pervert. I was just simply studying her habits.
Whenever the window was open I would risk a low whisper just to mess with her head. She usually ran out of the room whenever I did that, coming back soon after with her parents who thoroughly checked the entirety of the room. There was one night where I thought I was caught for sure. Her dad had opened the window, took out the screen, and started moving the top layer of branches on the bush to peer down. Luckily I had become an expert in hiding at this point and he couldn't see past my camouflage.
One night however, I came to her window to find the bush had been completely removed. I found a note left in its spot. I'll spare you the mundane contents of the note, but what caused me to snap was the simple fact that they didn't know who I was. They didn't know it was me under the window. Even with the tiny clues I had left in the bush, knowing her dad would get rid of it. I couldn't stand it anymore. I needed them to know it was me. So I did what anyone aspiring to be well known would do, I went to the front door and knocked.
My excuse was that I was starting a new service for the butcher business, the new service was to hand deliver their orders. So I handed over the meat to her dad, told him to make sure they ate it sooner rather than later cause of the freshness of it, smiled, and went back to my truck. The next day the entire family ended up dead. Can you guess what I did?
If you guessed poison you'd be absolutely incorrect. That would've been too easy, you amateur. No, instead I went back to my spot under her window and when I had knocked on it to cause her to call her parents in, I slipped away to the front door. Which I then knocked hard and fast to enforce the urgency needed. As I heard them come running to the front door I snaked my way back to the window and smiled at how well my plan worked. Her dad left the window unlocked. I made quick work of getting in and going straight to the closet. Making sure I didn't leave any disturbances. After some time I heard the family settle down to eat dinner.
Now what I did do to the meat was I put burandanga into the meat and when they had eaten it, they became zombie like and did everything I told them to do. So when I put a pistol in the dads hands and told him to shoot his wife, he obliged. Then I took the gun and put it in the daughters hands, my muse. She was truly fascinating. I told her to pull the trigger, killing her dad. Then I sat and watched as she came out of the trance and turned the gun on herself, realizing what she had done.
Last thing I did before leaving was left a single piece of paper signed with the daughters blood. The signature? "B", B for butcher. Then the games began.