Oannes, The Lawgiver

In the mornings I take my human form and walk out onto the beach. The people of Acis come to me with their disputes, and I am seen as a fair arbiter because I care about nothing but the truth. My days pass peacefully.

These situations are solved more simply than they would appear at first. By consenting to my arbitration and coming before me, much of the work of reconciliation is done already. Those advocating for their cause will not turn away without resolution; I listen while they negotiate, and interject only when necessary.

With me, I carry the water of life, the Miltha. It began oozing from my side when I emerged from the water, and I've been collecting it in a flask. When the people drink it, it brings them health, healing, new life.

I think it's the same waters of rebirth from the cauldron. Having died and been reborn so many times, dissolved and reconstituted from the Empyrean, I seem to be a reservoir of these precious fluids. I give them freely, yet only when the time is right.

With each life I touch, peace is established further. Whether through justice, reconciliation, or healing, these are now my followers, those who adhere to my discipline and way of life. No longer am I the wizard, Cancer, or the man, Sergio. I am Oannes, the lawgiver.

The airships hover over us, cleansing the bay and the waters of the poisons we spilled into them. The Fluid Karma is extracted and collected by specially engineered bacteria. Algae proliferates again, signaling that the fish can soon return.

In the evenings I return to the sea, resuming my aquatic form. Swimming out past the Strait of Woes, I meet pods of whales and dolphins. We sing and dance together. I don't need to be their healer or teacher, just be as one of them.

I believe that some day soon, the world of land and sea will be one. I will no longer need to lead or instruct the people, for their hearts will be perfect. They will know the truth and live it.

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