Never Again

“Oh love..” the boy says grabbing the other boys face wiping his tears away.

“There’s no reason to cry love..”

“But..I love you but I can’t love you!” The sobbing boy says with a breathy voice.

“Who said you couldn’t?”

“The girl next door..” the boy says sobbing even more.

“What’s the girl next door gonna do?”

“Nick she broke in! She stalked me for months!” He says with a more stern face.

“Charlie you know that’s illegal right?” He says chuckling just a little as he was kind of worried.

“I know but she said she would watch me sleep if I told anyone!” Charlie says now not crying and just ranting about the girl next door.

“Is she pretty?” Nick says as a trick question.

“Nick. I don’t know if you got the memo but I’m gay. Ya she’s pretty but she’s a pretty bad human being.” Charlie says with a bright tone in his voice.

“Charlie I think it’s time we tell your mom about this.” He says running downstairs.

“Ya fair enough.” Charlie says running after him.

“Mrs. Springs?” Nick asks nervously.

“Yes my dear?” Mrs. Springs smiles

“The girl next door has been breaking in and stalking me!” Charlie bursts.

“Oh dear. I’ll file a complaint and call the police to get this sorted out.” Mrs. Springs says concerned.

“Oh ya! Can I take out your son?” Nick asks.

“NICK!” Charlie yells and punches him in the shoulder.

“Dear I thought you already asked me that.”

“MOM YOU KNEW?” Charlie says shocked.

“Dear I’ve known since you were 6.” Mrs.

Springs says with a small chuckle.

“Why don’t we all watch a movie together?” Nick says smiling at Charlie remembering the first time they tried to watch a movie.

“Why not?” Charlie says looking over at his mum.

“I’m gonna run to the store. I’ll be back soon.” Mrs. Springs says grabbing her purse and shoes

“Bye mum!” Charlie says.

The both run to the kitchen as soon as Mrs. Springs walks out the door. The grab the pop corn and put it in the microwave.

“Your eyes have a grey tint in them.” Charlie says staring into Nicks deep blue-ish gray eyes.

Nick lifts Charlie onto the counter.

“I don’t know how I could ever ignore you before.” Nick says right before kissing Charlie.

They continue to kiss ignoring the popcorns timer going off. They finally break it up and get the popcorn and choose the movie. The hold each other close. Slowly falling asleep.

Nick mumbles out before falling asleep, “never again will I leave your side.”

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