Mike Who? (&tangent)

Mike Jones is known for his song singing about how dey didn’t even want him back when he was smaller, not taller, but now that he’s sipping on some syrup, tipping Vols, chopped, and screwed….dey all up on his jock like chiggers nestling in a campers groin, hoping their host is a soul snatching ginger, that way they’ll be able to evade detection, but if we’re talking about Methuselah, you know that shit would look like someone went on a shooting spree on a ski slalom…. So anyways the once famous now living life as a normal person seems very much like child stars who fell off the map or maybe did something smart….branch out their skills and abilities to better ensure their ability to survive and thrive. Jones Mike is the name of the once famous who has moved onto bigger better things…..reminds me of BABYMETAL, they’re a Japanese kawaii (cute) metal I was under the impression that they were younger and took a longer break for other reasons but it seems that their hiatus was due to a members failing health.

Fame, stardom, financial abundance, adoring fans, practicing your craft whatever it might be- doing it well enough to find financial success. All these things surely sound astounding, desirable, and would definitely be a great way to start your week, stumbling forward catching your pinky toe on a stubborn piece of furniture and instead of a shooting pain meeting us, we fall into this “lap of luxury” create a high point that almost surely cannot be beat and any efforts towards being better, reliving the wonder of it’s initial impression is more probable for a junkie, chasing that original high, trying to get that buzz that cannot be replicated. This individual who has had all that they’ve ever wanted, any woman/man they want, drive a new car every day, wear high end name brand clothing once and donate/discard, bank account with enoufh zeroes to make someone with carpal tunnel cringe when thinking about typing/writing out this number. And instead of listing off things that one might have, it’s best handled by saying they’re pretty unfamiliar with wanting for things, being as they’ve lived in a lap of luxury, wiping their baby buttocks with crisp $500 dollar bills, born with a platinum and diamond encrusted spoon, fork, knife, and even spork…..can you imagine how bad life would suck if one reached such a high point in life only to find everything else that they seek out might leave them confused as to why they’ve been unable to attain a sense of happiness or contentment. Spending ridiculous amounts of money on the best mental health services, gurus, Ayhuaaca retreats, and etc…..still trying to buy it, becoming even more frustrated bc of its seeming proximity, the effort put into reaching this goal not matching in results. This can often lead to one seeking out joy in other things such as addiction whether drugs, gambling, shopping, or whatever your poison might be. This in itself is problematic bc of the tendency for these actions to create hormone issues….. it’s like Pavlov’s dog….. the bell ringing causes the animal to salivate because the bell is aligned with feeding, but this bell cannot create the same effect that comes with the animal seeing/smelling food. So what we do is salivate more bc of the drug creating.a much stronger effect through synapses and receptors, so when we do something we enjoy, we don’t get the same effect because of a much stronger reaction than naturally produced. Keep in mind that we are able to return to a semblance of normal, although the degree in which opiates change the pleasure center of the brain reprograms reward systems which is what makes opiate addiction so problematic. Regardless of where you’ve been, where you are, or what others might think of you, you can always strive for a better you…..but of course the best you is the one you currently are, but where you’ve been and where you are do not determine your future and potential.

I feel that I should have felt somewhat famous…..although notoriety seems to be more irrritating than anything…..my reputation used to precede itself. I’d meet people for the first time who would just gush over stories they’ve been told, all hyped up about getting to finally meet me LOL…. I don’t think I would have fared well being an actual famous person. I would prefer mediocrity over fame, although rising to fame under a pseudonym outselling Chicken Soup For The Soul -my reinstatement of the Illuminati, a tome describing the reason for things, revealing the mass manipulation of people via entities/institutions/marketing through religion, culture, political parties, and the reality of the world being designed for extroverts despite approximately half of the population being introverts. This extroverted world adds stressors to individuals to conform out of a desire to be accepted, denying self individuality by allowing a source of information to exist beyond suspicion. Confirmation bias and all the other biases that plague these “ideologies” results in a clusterfuck of idiocy which would make it idiology or would it be idiotology…. Not sure but I’ve been a member of this idiotology for the longest…..not yard….. but everything is a goddamn distraction WMD are abundant….weapons of mass distraction are being deployed onto us on a daily basis. NASA is nothing more than a branch off of the military industrial complex using space exploration and advancement in propulsion systems is nothing more than a stage having long been set for shit like 1984 to take place. Did you know that satellite technology can allow one to see anything and everything they want? Using spectrometry frequencies on the EMF scale are able to take the collected information that is gained from scanning all frequencies, being able to understand the layout, materials, and other information that basically gives the user an image that can be captured without ever having physically seen the location. Freedom is nothing more than a hype word…..just like justice and liberty, they don’t mean shit in the US anymore unfortunately…..Patriot Act made the constitution null and void…..not to mention opened the flood gates for misappropriation of funding, taking advantage of a devastating attack on American soil, destroying due process, freedom of speech, and the right to life and liberty….. FUSION centers popped up all over the place which is partially funded by DHS that brings in private business into the mix…..creating incentive for law enforcement to abuse the Patriot Act through domestic espionage. FUSION centers = US sleeper cells waiting to make use of any information they’re able to gain to send in their infiltrators into their clique playing bull in a china shop.

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