Write a story where a misunderstanding leads to bad consequences.
It could be a small part of your story, or the whole plot could depend on it.
The Two Brothers War
It all began with a simple dinner snub. Don Pizzaro’s brother, Geno, was invited over for Sunday’s meal. The Don had expected his brother to show up. After all, it was the anniversary of their father’s death.
The senior Don Pizzaro had made a lot of enemies. That much had been sure. It ultimately caused his downfall only a few years ago when he was gunned down in front of Geno at the supermarket. The men who did it were swiftly apprehended but Geno knew their escape was never the point. These men were meant to fall on the sword for whatever powerful enemy wanted his father dead. That kind of loyalty chilled him to the bone. It was also the reason he didn’t show up for dinner at his brothers place.
Ever since the day at the Supermarket, Geno had shied away from the family business. He wanted nothing to do with dealing with their operations, or keeping their people in line, and soon he distanced himself completely. He had seen the danger firsthand, watch it destroy his father and now wanted nothing to do what that life. Unfortunately, he never foresaw the resentment this would cause in his brother.
The new Don Pizzaro was an angry man. Angry he was forced into a life of crime that he never asked for either. Angry that, being the eldest, the business was his cross to bear once his father was violently ripped from him and he didn’t get to mourn properly like his brother. To shut down like his brother. To deny his responsibilities like his brother.
This anger drove Don Pizzaro to become paranoid. His only flesh and blood had left him after their father died. Sure, he was older but what’s stopping Geno from making a play for his power? Was he playing dead fish just so he could stab him in the back? He had to be sure.
Don Pizzaro decided to invite Geno over. He needed to see where his mind was. What was really going on behind the scenes of his sudden resignation?
Geno accepted but never showed. That was all Don Pizzaro needed to confirm his suspicions. His brother had defected. He needed to be dealt with.
The Don arranged an assassination attempt that was ultimately unsuccessful on Geno. In his emotional state, he was sloppy and left evidence for Geno to dig up. He had showed his cards too early.
Geno knew he was dead unless he fought back against his brother. Through mutual contacts he could build a gang strong enough to oppose him. He had to in order to live.
To his horror, Geno realized he had been forced back into a life he never wanted. And this time his enemy wasn’t an anonymous rival gang leader, it was his own brother. He mourned for his old life and steadied himself for the bloodshed to come.
The Two Brothers War had begun.