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Write a horror or thriller version of a classic Christmas tale.

The Other Reindeer

<CW: depression and hints of abuse.> You know Dasher, and Dancer, and all of the rest. My name is Olive. I hate that song so this is my version. The true one. You wouldn’t think it, but Rudy is a bully. He could dish out insults without a care in the world. As the song says, I used to laugh and call him names. Used to. Not any more. I thought he was aiming for a friendly roast. You’d think something he’s been looking at his entire life would be something he’s accepted some good natured jesting about. Nope. So he went crying off to the pig, “saint” Nicholas. … Sorry, needed a second. More on him later. Back to Rudy. Of course we didn’t let him play in the reindeer games. There are things called qualifiers and he didn’t make the cut. He should have. In practice, he was a powerhouse. But when it mattered, he choked. Then he thinks he’s special because his nose lights up a foggy night. Just pointing out that we live on a magically hidden island in the middle of the Arctic Ocean. Fog? Not really a problem. It’s almost a daily occurrence. We know how to get through fog. But Satan Clause- sorry, Santa Clause- thinks Rudy is so special because red is fatso’s favorite color. Rudolf is a jerk, but he’s not why I am called “the other reindeer.” That distinction lies squarely with none other than Kris Kringle. See, I used to be outgoing, fun, energized. I’m not anymore. All I want right now is to be left alone. I told one other reindeer, so naturally the whole herd knows. I hear their conversations become much more whispered when I come around. Not like I don’t know what they’re saying. Olive is a liar. Olive shouldn’t be alone right now. Olive wanted it. I believe her. There’s no way he did that. On and on. And they all avert their eyes. They are fine talking about me, but not to me. I am the most publicly alone imaginable. All because his “punishment” for what I said to Rudy was to … Was to… This is so disgusting. He knows where all the naughty girls are. And yet that wasn’t enough for him. I’m sorry, I think I’m going to be sick. Excuse me.
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