The Figure

Day 1

I don’t know how I survived. Maybe God planned it or something. But as far as I know right now, it’s just me in the universe, nobody else.

The world ended yesterday, probably the way you thought it would. World War Three.

It could have at least been robots. That would’ve been pretty cool.

But that’s not what this story is about.

Today was worse than yesterday. Yesterday, there wad nuclear bombs, gunfire, and shouts of agony, which is pretty bad.

But today is worse.

Silence. Utter and complete silence.

There’s leftover and debris everywhere, but no movement of people trying to clean up and try and have peace after the storm.

I go outside of my little basement, which is where I guess I’m living now, and try and find some food. When I find this nasty looking bag of chips covered in dust I figure until I actually feel fine enough to look for food, this will have to do.

Day 7

Life sucks.

Why? Why did I of all people get chosen to be the only one left after this destruction? I don’t deal well with destruction. I’ve seen a lot of people laying around.

Pretending they’re just asleep isn’t working too good.

Day 18

My best friend is now a bowling ball.

I found it in a bowling alley that was somewhat intact still. His name his Bob.

I’ve been having horrible anxiety lately. I always feel like there’s like a presence behind me no matter where I turn.

Day 30

I don’t think that much of myself anymore.

I’ve never thought like this before. But now that I’m the only one left, I can’t help but think that I’m only me, and that’s all I’ll ever be.

I also think that since nobody’s talking to me, my brain’s taking over and talking to itself…?

I don’t know, I’ve just been hearing voices for a while, it’s like they’re whispering to me. Calling me.

Day 45

Today I saw my dad.

I woke up and he was standing there. I tried talking to him. He just stood there. After a while he disappeared. Don’t mind the tear drops on the paper.

I had a good relationship with my dad. I just wish I could say I love you one more time…

Day ?

I’ve lost count of the days.

I don’t care anymore.

I can’t care.

I’m trapped now. In my own mind. I can’t think anymore. All I can think about is “Get me out of here.”

My own mind has trapped me.

The voices are still whispering to me. I try to talk back but they don’t listen.

I need somebody real.

I know I will never have that, though.

I should give up.

The figure who has been waiting, watching the one person who they thought was so strong, the strongest sighed.

He just watched them get destroyed by their own brain.

He thought it would be different this time.

As he faded away he took one last glance at his victim and said, “I knew all along that this was how it would end.”

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