After years of friendship, two friends share a spontaneous kiss during a vulnerable moment, changing the dynamics of their relationship...

LIAST Story I Found

(I made this earlier this year on my phone as I was fleshing out Rayburn and Oswald. And oh all the holy things of the world! How did I write this?!

You have been warned (NSFW) it is part of the prompt because my characters, Rayburn and Oswald, are childhood friends who were in love, fell out of love, and fell back in love. I’m in the middle of the_ Living Is A Strange Thing (LIAST) _manuscript. No, it does not have these scenes in it. The second book- _Forgiveness Is A Hard Thing_ will but I’ll be older by then.

I’m so sorry 😭, Honey Bear read it though. 💀)

**_Trying To Work Is Hard When You Are Distracted_**

_“Oswald, please stop.”_ At the moment I am trying to finish some papers at my desk whilst being distracted by the love of my life. Who is about to leave my life if he doesn’t stop this nonsense.

He smiles at me from in between my legs, his dark brown face glowing with glee. “You’ve been in such a mood all week, darling,” he says, rubbing his cheek against trouser covered thighs, “You need a break.”

I look away from him and start reading where I left off of my paperwork. “I won’t be able to get a break if I can’t finish the rest of these documents. Now get out from under my desk.”

Oswald ignores me and instead kisses my crotch, smiling when I make a low noise. “Ray, we haven’t made love since last month.”

“And that’s well enough, now let me just finish this and _then_ we can.” I hurriedly skim through the many passages on this sheet. Something about installing a new place for clerks at the front to have lunch break. Sure. Approved.

“But I want to do it _now_.”

“O-Oswald, I swear!”

He starts groaning and kissing my trousers, as though my thighs were bare and exposed. Oswald grabs my legs to keep me from moving away from his pursuit.

I try to shove his head away, but before I can he grabs my wrist tightly enough so that I couldn’t move it away.

“Come on, Ray, you know you want it too,” he kisses the inside of my wrist and trails his lips to my palm, ending his trail of lustful fire at my finger tips.

Dear lord, why is this man so irresistible?

When I bend down to kiss him he meets it with a hot, gentle press of his lips and smiles. Oswald let’s go of my wrist to free his hand and bring it to my neck, pulling me closer. I sigh and turn my head a little to the side as we open our mouths wider to each other and let our tongues do the work.

My mind goes blank the moment they touch….

“Um, sir?”

I push away from Oswald with a gasp, noting his pissed looking face, before looking up to face my assistant, Jenny Cho.

We are quiet for a few beats before she blinks a couple times and asks, “Is Oswald down there?”

I cough and lick my lips. “Yes.”

Jenny nods her head slowly, pursing her lips as in thought. “Well, I just needed to give you this,” she places a folder on my desk, then turns back to the door. “It’s from the Highest.”

After she leaves, I push away from the desk and stand up from my chair. I run a hand through my hair.

I don’t know why I agreed to doing that in the first place. If Jenny was anyone else—


I jump at the sound of Oswald’s voice behind me. His arms fold around my waist and pull me close to him. My body relaxes against him and my mind starts thinking, turning, trying to ensure that nothing will put me in that vulnerable position again.

“You know we can’t do this again, right.”

He sighs. “Of course.”

I grit my teeth. “We could have been caught by someone who…disapproved of our relationship.” I sigh as well.

Oswald kisses my neck, softly, sadly, before releasing me from his grasp. “Of course, it won’t happen again.”

Going back home was a bit awkward after that. Tension was between us and tightened with every step we took. I am a bit ashamed now, as I sit underneath the covers of our shared bed with a forgotten book in my lap. The way I reacted was terrible, much harsher than he deserved.

I am quiet, listening to the sound of dripping water as Oswald bathes himself in the washing room connected to our bedroom. Giving an apology is the best thing to do, but my stubborn self doesn’t wish to be proven wrong. So when Oswald comes out the bathroom, sexy brown skin steaming with a towel slung low across his hips, I say nothing and look down to the pages of my book.

But they might as well have been blank as I don’t read a word.

Oswald rummages through his drawer before finding some linen drawers and a shirt. Then settles down in the bed beside me.

We are quiet. Feeling the radiating warmth from him and his low breathing, I realize that he is silent for my own sake. The past Oswald of my childhood would have already spoken by now, anxious to get a conversation out of me. It plays on my heart as I marvel at how much our relationship has changed over the years.

“Rayburn?” Oswald’s low voice pitches up in question and his large hands go to my face and pull me to look at him. His eyes are large, brown, and true and look at me with such wariness and concern that I let out a choked sob.

Oswald brows scrunch down at my reaction. “Rayburn, are you alright?”

Instead of answering I grip onto his hands on my face and kiss him.

Kiss him with every ounce of strength that I have to make him understand that I regret what I did.

Kiss him with hot and soft pressures that show my love.

Kiss him as tears form under my closed eyes as our kiss turns loose and passionate.

I pull away after a while, to regain my breath. Though as I breath my lungs are a bit slow on the process of getting air into my system as I look at the hot gaze of Oswald on me.

Oswald gives me a smug grin. “You could have just said sorry, you know.”

“You know how I am,” I say sweetly.

He groans as my stray hand finds his warm, bulging crotch under the covers. I come closer to suck his thick neck lightly then dive down to tend to other thick things that require suction.

I stop after hearing him call my name and rise back up to meet him. “Yes?”

Oswald swallows, staring at me with such intensity that I can not look away. “Do you have work tomorrow?” He says hoarsely.

“No,” I respond, glad he remembers our conversation from before.

Oswald shifts and pushes me against him until he is above me and straddling my hips. I allow this mostly because I feel the excitement and rush of arousal, and I want Oswald’s dick in my mouth at the end of this.

Oswald whispers something, but before I can grasp onto what he says he is unbuttoning my trousers and tugging them off my hips.

“Why do you wear your trousers to bed, darling, it makes it a bit harder to do these kinds of things.”

I stick out my tongue and swipe a lone curl that has found its way onto my forehead…which is sweating as well as other parts of my body. “Because it makes other things hard.” I press my foot against his area a bit roughly.

Oswald grabs my bare thigh and kisses it until he reaches my balls. He gives me a mischievous grin and says, “It appears so,” before ducking his head between my legs.

I moan loudly and writhe for a long time after that. Because by God! The man’s _mouth_!

“Oswald…_OswaldOswaldOswald_!” I shriek with pleasure as he presses his closed lips against my sack for a hot, wet second. Then he gives my stiff cock a tiny suck at the tip and lifts his head. He scoots up and lays against my shivering body, not fully though, if he does he will crush me and we both know it. So he rests his elbows on either side of my and looks down at me.

I barley register him as a shudder my breaths. It felt so _good_. Better than good! Magnificent! Why did he stop? Why did he stop?

Oswald gives me a peck on my nose and smiles. “Darling?”

“Why did you stop,” I groan, repeating my thought verbally and wrapping my arms around him, “I didn’t _want _you to.”

Oswald gives me another peck, this time on my cheek. “I want to have a talk with you. A conversation if you will.”

I growl. “I don’t want to talk.”

He laughs. “Well, too bad.” He straightens and leaves the bed, leaving _me_ cold and hungry for his skin. Thankfully I still had my shirt which had stole some of Oswald’s warmth during our intimacy.

“Where are you going?” I whimper.

He stops at our bedside table and leans against it, looking at me. “Away from you so I don’t get tempted,” he responds.

Huffing and a bit pissed at the ending of our sex, and wait for him to speak.

“Well, Ray,” he says, “I was wondering if you’d like to see my Mum and the others again. We haven’t visited in almost a year.”

My eyes widen. Was it really almost a year since we visited? “Of course!” I say. excitedly. “But isn’t Turner (Charles) still in university?”

Oswald waves a hand. “He’s coming back, they have a break.”

I nod, but then I wonder: why now? I ask Oswald this and he starts laughing awkwardly.

“I-I don’t know, I just want to visit.”

I can tell that he’s lying, but I don’t bring it up. I stand from the bed and walk a few steps over to him, my shirt not at all covering my area below. Oswald backs away from me slowly, and I grab his sleeve so he can’t escape. Although he can tear his arm out of my grip quite easily, he won’t and never shall.

“Ozzy,” I purr.

Oswald gives me a scared laugh. “Yes, Ray?”

“Are you done now?”

He nods, scared of the monster he created.

“Good.” And I kiss him.


I wake up with a groan, feeling quite sticky and warm for some reason. Oh! That’s right, didn’t I have sex last night? I wipe the drool from the side of my mouth and reach around the bed with my hands, my eyes still closed.

My hands find a warm, strong chest that’s less sticky as mine. “Oswald,” I whisper, voice rough with sleep.

Large hands grab mine and I feel his breath against my fingers. “Yes, darling?”

“What…time is it?”

He pauses for a second, then kisses my fingertips before saying, “Around nine.”

I groan for the second time this morning and shift closer to him. “Wake me when it’s eleven,” I say with a yawn.

“But isn’t that too close to lunch,” he mutters softly, resting my hands on his chest.

I frown and I hear him laugh. “Shut up,” I say before retreating back to the land of dreams.


I smile as Rayburn falls back to sleep, his snores loud and deep. My Rayburn. Mine.

Why did it take so long to be this way?

I stretch and then roll away from him and off the bed. I have to make breakfast, or rather lunch, for when he awakens. I have to boil the water for some tea as well….

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