Inspired by Kendall Ripleys
A creature that has lived in a dark cave for its whole life experiences light for the first time.
Write a heavily descriptive piece about this experience.
Dangers Lurk In the Light
I opened up my wings, stretching them out as I a yawed. I breathed and smoke filled the cave causing the a little creature that scurried in to sneeze.
I heard the little fur-ball dash away and I, bored, followed it. Listening to the sounds of its paw steps sad scent to locate it.
It scurried farther and further away from the depths of the cave. It was almost at the spot where the cave widens, a place I wasn’t aloud to tread. I ignored the rules and ran after it surprised of its quickness for how quiet its movements were.
My wings brushed up against the dip in the cave, signaling the widened path. It was strange to have my wings less cramped in a space, it was freeing, though my wings still couldn’t fully extend.
The farther I got from the thinner path, something weirder happened. I was able to see a shadow of which I presumed were my claws. They looked weird, far from what I imagined they would be like, granted I had never been given an example of what claws looked like.
Ignoring the weirdness, I dashed further out, fixated on the creature which appeared to be a tiny shadow. Where it went, I went.
Brightness began to slowly pour into the cave, grays, browns, and the rare green something I had never experienced, it was beautiful, I wondered why she made me stay away from it.
The tiny animal dashed into a hole in the cave, too small for me to fit in. It didn’t matter, another thing caught my attention, a bright white glow. I ran towards it.
My wings expanded finally allowing to extend as I came to the exit. The world was even prettier than the caves.
Green covered everything before grey showed a drop off. The open air was a deep blue, something incomparable to the caves. It was gorgeous, although overwhelming.
A red figure moved towards me, taller than even me. It wore an expression that I was unsure of it’s meaning. It moved closer before it spoke.
“I told you to stay in the cave! It’s dangerous out here!”
Oh, the figure was her, my mother. Why did she think this place was dangerous, it was indescribable. It smelled like freedom, it felt like freedom.
A loud bang sounded in the distance with pained roar following. Scared, I dashed into the cave. Perhaps that’s what my mom viewed as dangerous. Whatever it was, it hurt someone. Dangers lurk here.
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