"I knew I'd regret it if I didn't say it right now."

Use this sentence in a short story.

A Fathers love

You and I, have been arguing for a long time now. Just because you will not work, you seem to think that it’s okay.

You holler out that your in pain, but you should know your not the only one. You are young and I am old. You just won’t understand.

You hit me hard with all you got,I know you want to kill me. I seen that look, so many times being on the streets. I have fought a hundred times this is not the same. I can’t find it in my heart to hit you like a man. You holler out get in my face I ask you to get back. It’s very stressful helping you nothing is enough. I give you money to help you out, you did not have to ask. You get so mad as we’re going home, jump from front to back. You start to chock me from the back my seat belt wrapped around my neck. I have no fear I must react a head on we could had. I see a drop off coming up I must control my truck. You choking me with all you got you have killing on your mind. It does not hurt your chocking me and punching me all in my face.I finally drug you to the front. you started punching really hard. One hit me right between the eyes another in my eye a black eye is what I got. Lucky you that your a girl a daughter that’s full of hate and evil. I guess I’ll never understand, I just know this was the last you’ll never come around. You’ll soon be gone and on your own. I am finally moving on, I have done and done, a fathers love goes way beyond, you just can’t imagine, to talk right back, your never wrong it’s every every time. The choice I made was to abandon you,it time your on your own. I have done most everything paid you phone and rent ,insurance too. Yet you say that I’m no good and you try to beat me down.

I must say it’s really hard to do what I must do. I knew I would regret it if I didn’t say it now, tough love is what you going to get. The choice is yours live your life out on the street or make a difference and get a job. I’m the dad that gave you everything and you say that I have not, you don’t respect. You will regret hitting this ole man. I cannot hurt you as a daughter I can’t find it in my heart. You will regret what you have done, it will hurt me more than you, a decision I was forced to make by a daughter that tried to kill me.

I knew I would regret it if I didn’t say it right now:

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