Inspired by Grégorienne

Write a short story from the point of view of the villain.

Channel your inner baddie!

Eye Of The Tiger

I look out of my window and see kids playing on playground and families all around talking. I hear the sounds of children playing games and singing. My body starts to see thing’s with anger and I feel a vain starting pop out of my forehead. I made snarling growl and quickly close the curtains of my window.

“Ugh. Those people are sooo-“

Sol pushes my room door wide open

“-so, so… HAPPY and CHEERFUL, why can’t they just realize the world is cruel and you can’t just trust people.”

“You seem more angrier then you usually do. Is something wrong?” said the elf with a worrisome tone.

From the corner of my eye, I spot her, Sol. A servant of mine, her curly blonde hair cut perfectly to her shoulders, laying on her soft pastel dress constrasting to her dark green eyes. Its reminiscent to when I found her in the woods long ago, crying. I dont pity crying children, but she- she was different. She plead for life, bringing her past into story, telling me of her abusive parents and she no longer had a place to call home, so she ran away as far as her black flat dress shoes could take her.

I was startled by the words that came out of Sol’s mouth. Her words struck close to my heart, all of the sudden I was reminded of my past. How could her parents be so abusive to Sol, especially at such a young age. Then it hit me, I was a reflection of my past self,

a more innocent me. A little girl that once was happy within myself.

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