“Hey Cooper, look at this,” Gale waved a newspaper in my face.
I stared confused at first, but when I read the headline I started to chuckle. It was about me again. When I was in the paper, it was never a good thing but it always made me laugh because they always got their stories so blatantly wrong. ‘Local teen knocks down office’: I was having a bad day and destroyed a few supports whilst I was passing by. ‘_Infamous teen tries to drain a lake’: _what on earth was that about, I took, like, 5 buckets of water from a 2km long lake. You get the idea. But I think this one of one of the best, definitely wall worthy — ‘Troublemaker teen Cooper attempts to steal 24k necklace’. I _picked _it up! Honestly, you commit 5 (maybe 6, or 7, or 11, who knows) MINOR crimes in a small town and suddenly whenever you take interest in a valuable object, you are trying to steal it! It’s priceless! (Get it? Priceless? That was terrible I apologise)
Gale themselves had made a few headlines, but I give myself most of the credit. They usually earn it for being my accomplice. ‘_New teenage criminal in town - Charlotte - working with Cooper?’ _Firstly, their name isn’t Charlotte anymore, it’s Gale. And secondly, new? They’ve been in the business way longer than me, they taught me most of what I know! (Excluding stealthiness, I like having the spotlight). We usually pinned our best headlines to a cork board in our bedroom, showing off our trophies.