He Loves Me He Loves Me Not

January 16, 14568

Hi, diary!

The snow is begging to melt - finally -

The air is smelling warmer, I bet it’s going to be a beautiful spring!

Today Noah, has been looking at me and turning away when he sees me. It always makes my giggle!

I wonder when he will ask me out I’ve only been sending him hints and flirting with him for forever!

Seriously if he doesn’t ask me out soon I’ll just have to do it myself!

See you,


January 18, 14568

Hey dairy!

Sorry for missing yesterday.

Yesterday I didn’t see Noah so, I was very sad then today… I don’t even want to think about it.

Today I saw Noah with Elania.

Everyone knows Elania is the prettiest and girliest girl there is in our class.

She sells flowers to help run her family's business so everyone praises her, even the adults!

I want to ask Noah about her but I don't know how to do it without it being awkward!!

Please help me,


January 19, 14568

Hi! Dairy!

You will never guess what happened today!!

Oh, it was so lovely! Just thinking about it makes my heart explode.


So referring to my latest entry, turns out Elania was helping him with the flowers.

It was a gorgeous bouquet, soft pink and purple flowers.

He asked me out after school with the whole school watching.

I was a bit embarrassed but, I really enjoyed it… he’s so romantic.

I really am so in love with him.

Truly yours,


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