Blue and red lights flash in the distance, but it’s not the police.
How can you use the literary technique of subverting expectations to write a compelling story?
Five Stories From The Ground
Hillary Hill (she despised that name, by the way), leapt out the window, clutching it in between her teeth.
Jacob Jacobsen (who didn’t actually mind his name), shrieked like a banshee, mimicking the sound his heart made.
Five stories from the ground.
He frantically felt for his earpiece and shouted, “Houston, we have a problem!”
Her blonde hair fell over her shoulders as the body hit the ground. The crunch was heard over the hills and across the river, far beyond a place the young man could even imagine.
Jacob didn’t say a word.
But tears fell from his eyes anyway.
Grey Grey (okay, seriously, who picked that name?!), waltzed in like the villian he was, his mouth stretched to each corner of his mouth. His eyes, one red, one blue, quite literally glowed as he arrived at the scene.
Jacob ran down the stairs as fast as he could, flooding with sadness and fear.
“**_Don’t touch her!_**” He shrieked
Five stories from the ground,
Grey snapped his fingers, and the two men beside him seized the woman from the ground.
They pried it from her jaws, ripping the brown paper packaging. They teared it open and shred it to pieces.
“What!!??” Grey cried.
It was a note that read only, _not today_.
Once was just a breeze, but twice was a pattern, and the town over the hill was beginning to wonder what was happening in the city.
Suddenly, Jacob tossed a small silver object at Grey.
“Here, take it!” He screamed, “Take anything. Take my life for all I care! Just don’t you _dare_ move her with your slimy, vile hands!”
He spat at Grey’s feet, turning the small patch of soil into mud.
Grey smirked and said, “Very well.”
He and his cronies turned, and together they disappeared into the night.
Jacob’s dropped to the ground and sobbed. Carefully, he picked up Hillary and turned her over. Her dress was slipping, and her tights were ripped, and her hair fell over her face, but her eyes were closed, as if she had peacefully passed in her sleep.
His lips were wet and soggy, and still, he pressed them onto hers.
**Later that night:**
Hillary stood in the doorway, prim and proper in her pajamas.
She smiled to herself and looked at the young man. She hadn’t realized it until now, but Jacob really _was_ rather attractive.
She chuckled and sat lie down on the bed, pulling the covers over herself.
Then she pecked Jacob lightly on the mouth and said, “Just you wait.”