Inspired by Aeris
As a coming of age ritual unique to their culture, your protagonist must go into a mysterious cave and defeat their worst fear…
Describe this specific scene. What happens to your protagonist?
The Trial
The once soulful and vibrant village has fallen deafening still. Where the children once ran and played; has been abandoned by all but the very dirt that lays. The once bustling market that rests annually on this gut wrenching day. Young men and women all shall face on this day, the Hiyrogiri, the transition with no bounds. All that is known by those who have undergone this trial, is that no advice can arm you better. The youth have been taught all they can, unlike Ruby. Ruby’s parents have fuelled the horrific tale that owns the air this time of year. Where there are whispers, notes, and fables the tale looms. Of the young couple that was banished from the village immediately before their trial. Some say the couple was lustful, some say the couple was driven to madness in anticipation of the trial, and some say the couple was driven by external entities with no clear goal.
The tale has many variations; all remains the same. Ruby’s parents were banished before the trial, and none before nor after have been ever banished from the village. As the youth gather along the outskirts of the village no songs are sung, no love is shared, mother’s embrace their beloved children as they never have before. Teenagers baffled, some paralysed by fear, and others stand in there facade of stoicism. Ruby walks through the islands of people and specks of humans. As he continues through, there is no embrace for Ruby; he is not loved nor wished well. Ruby has learned an ugly truth from a young age. Each man and woman must stand alone——eventually.
“Let there be peace in your minds and stillness in your breath. I shall lay the wretched tale to rest prior to your own trial on this day of days” Dawn continues to say, “There is none in this village with the imagination of the two, and there is only one with a true connection to that. Abandon the short paddles used to traverse shallow waters. They will serve to no end here.”
Dawn gives each a small scroll. Dawn finishes, “Your instructions are as follows. Take this scroll to your designated cave. You must only open your scroll before you enter the cave. You must enter the cave after you’ve read your scroll. Your trial will be over once you can read your scroll inside of the cave.” Ryuk asks Dawn, “What if we don’t enter the cave after we read the scroll and and and what if we can’t read the scroll inside the cave?” Dawn replies, “That is all.” Dawn, with tears in her eyes, walks past the participants and family. Dawn has never fully accepted her role.
The walk was long and the walk was short. Ruby has thought of nothing but his banished parents. He wonders what Dawn meant in her initial speech to the participants, there is only one near the two. No matter, the entrance of the cave is before Ruby. Now the time has come, Dawns voice echoes in Ruby’s head. As Ruby continues to open the scroll there is a gust of warm and cold air coming from the cave. As if the cave craves Ruby, and has waited for this moment just as Ruby has. Ruby opens his scroll,the earth stands still, there is not a sound but Ruby’s own heart pulsating obsessively. This scroll contains the truth Ruby has known and fear he has never spoken. Time is still, Ruby’s breath fluctuates before setting foot in the cave. A presence joins him only for a brief moment. This presence unknown to him, but somehow is what he has always known.
Ruby walks into this envelopment of darkness. Where the shadows cast away stand tall, where the fears of man are as true as laws of land, and where Ruby shall face what has consumed his nightmares since the day he could remember. With each step Ruby feels uneasy as the burden grows. His sweat runs hot, but is cold to the touch; his mind once steeled he feels soften. Ruby’s mind and body slowly deteriorate with each step. The cave is filled with this nightmare of his. It is heard in the whispers of the walls, it is felt with the emotion projecting itself through darkness upon Ruby’s will. It’s intent circulates through Ruby’s body with every breath that he takes. Ruby face the sins and despair of his unknown bloodline.