Exterior Morning

Waking up I put my robe and slippers on and head towards the bathroom. I start my daily rituals, of brushing my teeth, washing my face, and then heading out to get the morning paper. I open the door and a cold breeze hits my face. I shiver and pick up the paper and the box’s underneath. I head towards my kitchen and put the box down on some paper towels and head towards my coffee maker. I needed some energy. I take my mug, given to me by my mother, and walk over to the table. I open the paper and start reading while I’m sipping the coffee. Once I finish I put the paper down and take care of the now empty mug. I then walk over to the box, it had already started to drip. This is why I put it on paper towels. I slip some gloves on with a snap. Then I get the box cutter out of the top draw and start cutting the box open. Once opened, it stank but I continue on. I reach in and pull out a severed hand. The hand looked more on the feminine side, and had a light pink painted on the nails. This hand had no jewelry or tattoos on it. I carefully cover the bottom so it wouldn’t drip as I walk to the garage. I take the cover off, now that it was more dry and place it next to the others. I step back and admire my collection of parts. I have to say the placement of the legs next to the arms looks better compared to them next to the heads. I just wish I could thank who gifts me with my precious packages and let’s me fill my collection.

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