Write a complete story that takes place in a single, confined setting (e.g., an elevator).

Focus on character interactions and internal thoughts to maintain interest.

The Room

She paced back and forth. How long had it been? Hours? Days? Weeks? She was going stir crazy. There was only so much one could sleep. The few simple activities in the room had becoming boring. She couldn’t feign interest in them any longer. She looked towards the door: an entryway she couldn’t open. When would someone come to release her from this monotonous hell?

She sighed and moved to sit on the couch. There was nothing left to eat. She’d searched through all of the bags. Every container that had been left she’d practically licked spotless. Even so, eating seemed pointless now. Everything seemed pointless in this quiet lonely room.

A sound! She lifted her head, unsure or when she’d gone from sitting to laying upon the couch. Her brown eyes fixed on the door, waiting for it to open. Moments passed with no movement. She sighed and placed her head back down. It must have been the wind.

More time passed. She’s taken to chewing on whatever she could find to satiate the boredom and the hunger. Every sound from outside brought a fleeting false hope.

No one was coming…

Would she be trapped here forever? Die here?

She stood and gave a stretch before she took to pacing around the room once more. She checked every container again, every discarded dish, to see if any crumbs of food had been missed. It felt as if she’d spent an eternity in this room.

With no success, she took a drink of water and sat to stare at the door once more. Maybe, just maybe, the next sound would mean freedom. Someone had to come, to open the door. How she longed to feel daylight once more, to feel the grass beneath her feet. Why had they left her here in this small room? What had she done to deserve this fate?

She drifted off once more, dreaming of the outside world. The smell of fresh dirt, the feeling of a soft breeze. She dreamt of food, a picnic of sorts, eating under the warm sun. She twitched in her sleep as she dreamt of running within the grass and tumbling playfully to the ground. How she missed those days outside of the room…

A sudden sound made her jump, startled from sleep. She blinked, bleary eyed, before her eyes were drawn to the door once more. Another sound! She sat up, eager as her eyes darted to the doorknob.

It turned.

The door opened with a squeak.

“Hi baby, did you miss me?” A familiar friendly voice called as a person entered the room. She smiled and jumped from the couch, tail wagging uncontrollably as she ran to her savior. They had come! She knew they would come back! Comforting hands reached down to scratch behind her ears and pat her side. She whined as her whole body wiggled. She leaned against the person, her person, as they pet her.

“I was only gone for a few hours, baby.” Her person giggled as they continued to pet her before they let her outside to play under the warm yellow sun.

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