The Ship And The Storm 3

I wake up, hours later. I immediately feel dizzy as I try to sit up. I can’t see anything, it’s blurry. I hear someone’s voice. It’s the captain. “Don’t move, I’ll explain everything.” He said. “Explain what?” I didn’t remember anything. “When you fell off the ship dropping the anchor, when you landed, your head hit the anchor.” “Oh.”

“You’ve been out for weeks,” Isabella said. “I hoped it was hours.” “No, you were in a coma,” the captain said. A jittering rocked the ship. “The Storm is still raging, we managed to build another wheel down here, along with a microscope so we can look up.” “Will I get better?” I asked. “We think so, you just need some ambrosia.” “What?” “Ambrosia! It’s a healing drink from Greece.” “Oh thanks.” He handed me the drink which was cool in my hands. It didn’t taste like a had expected, it tasted like cookies. In half a minute I had chugged it. “Woah, slow down there, you eat it too fast it will do the opposite of its purpose.” “You can still have a job though, we’ll move your bed under the microscope,” Isabella told me. “Can I have more ambrosia?” I asked. “One at a time, one at a time.”

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