Frozen Time

Let me introduce myself, I'm Jake Sutherford and I am a freak. Now let me explain what I mean, my entire life I've had the random power to stop time. Before you go calling me crazy, I won't deny it, I need to give an example. It started when I turned 18. I had a huge party with all my friends and family at my parents house and one minute I was grabbing a drink, no it wasn't alcohol and yes I already tried debunking it, then the next I was the only one moving. I'm not even kidding, everyone had frozen in time. I tried everything to get them to move, thinking they were just pranking me. And I'm not proud to admit this but I had even tackled my buddy to the ground and he just collapsed, not even flinching or acting like he got hurt. Then I went to the bathroom and splashed water in my face and by the time I walked back out everyone was moving again and my buddy, the one I tackled, was getting off the floor like it was normal for him to find himself on the floor. So fast forward to my 21st birthday and this occurance has happened at the most random of times. It's always when I'm around other people, I guess I wouldn't really know if it happened when I was alone but you get my point. Sometimes I've been at the grocery store, sometimes I've been at the movies, and it's happened almost every single party I've ever had. I've even tried controlling it, assuming I had been miraculously given superhero powers. Well today I'm having a party for my 21st and I know it's going to happen again. It's honestly become so normal that I kind of just play around with it. Sometimes I'll steal my buddy's money, yes I give it back, and sometimes I'll go around drawing mustaches on everyone's face. I always get a kick out of their reactions when they snap out of it and look all confused asking around about how this happened. As my friends begin showing up I can feel the nervousness building up as I try to anticipate when the frozen time will happen. So we're about an hour in and I'm grabbing only my second drink of the evening, yes this one has alcohol but I am not a lightweight so it takes me quite a few to get tipsy. Then it happens, everyone's frozen as I'm pouring liquid into my cup and my buddy's cup. So I do my usual rounds just to make sure I'm still not crazy and everyone's been doing some elaborate prank for the last 3 years. I make my way to the living room when I see her, my buddy's girlfriend. I swear she just moved. So I make my way over to her and as I'm within 10 feet, she jumps up and smiles at me as she runs to the door. So I do the only logical thing and drop my drink while I run after her. Eventually I catch up to her and tackle her to the ground. As I have her pinned we are both breathing like we just ran a marathon. And then I lay into her, asking her every question I've had for the past 3 years while also cussing at her cause I begin to put the pieces together and realize my buddy started dating her 3 years ago, big shocker. Once I've finished getting it all out she just takes a second to smile at me and tell me she'll explain when I'm ready and blinks out of existence. I am not kidding you guys! She literally just blinked out of existence and I'm left sitting on the ground staring at it while the neighborhood walkers begin staring at me, probably thinking I'm crazy. Which honestly I truly think I am. There's no way this can be real. But I pick myself back up and make my way back to my party. I'll save the figuring out for another day.

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