
Submitted by NeverNova72

Write a story or poem about the hardest decision your character is going to make

The decision does not have to be hard on the face of it; some may experience or see difficulties in tasks others may find easy

Impossible Choice

I dream big, I find a way to accomplish my dreams, but I met this boy. He is dreamy and someone who relates to me. Recently we got together, causing me to forget the long list of dreams I had. Noticing that I wasn’t fully the same, he finds out about my dreams. As who he is, he decided to put his life on hold for me. What a sweet guy! A few days went by and I realized that I am late. I tell him and he asks me if he should go get a test. I nod and he is running out of the house to the drugstore at the corner. My hands start to shake, it becomes hard for me to breathe, he runs in opening the package. Looking at me, he asks if I am ready. He takes my hands, leading me towards the room. I come out and sit next to him. We wait for the test results, and then I check my phone. I get up and grab the test. My heart is pounding. POSITIVE. It is positive. Leaning in to me, comforting me, and reminding me that he supports whatever my heart tells me. I close my eyes. A choice of ending a life, saving a life and giving mine up, or saving a life and giving an opportunity to someone else. Knowing I want to save this life but keep mine, I know my only option. Adoption I tell him. He embraces me in his arms and chest. One day I will find my way back to this child, if and only if it is meant to be. It is the hardest choice I had to make, and I believe I did the right thing.

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