Lingering Footprints

Young minds dreams,

they dreams of savage lands.

Full of overbearing rivers,

and strong free animals

to reclaiming those savage lands.

But young minds are strangled,

soffocate to death.

This is by the eands of power.

The power of

using modernization for good.

Not for the good of their own pockets.

Rich, “Intelligent”, powerful people.

They are killing the yungest,

the ones they claim are lazy

but, in reality, they are depressed.

Depressed for their life.

The future of the Earth.

Depressed because they have ideas,

but they can’t use them.

So we live in a land where the footprints of ghosts linger.

Those ghosts are the ones died,

and still dying for change.

Or without couldn’t do one.

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