Welcome Home

I always knew I was different, an outcast. An alien in human flesh, destined to walk this strange planet alone. Then I saw him, sitting across from the cafeteria.

Next to the cafeteria was the pub where I often chose to drown my sorrows .

It was where I had been heading until becoming side tracked by the mysterious one .

It was residing in the shadows but the street light had whistle blown its chances to not being seen.

And from what I could see it was a male who certainly did not look the norm.

I was intrigued because he too was different. His uniqueness I could relate .

I was different on the inside he was different on the outside.

Maybe we could be of some use to each other.

“Hello “ I said to the figure.

Large eyes blinked back at me .

There was no hesitation as I was ushered to join him in the shadows

I felt no fear .

It was comforting when those large eyes dug deep into my soul and knew I was no threat.

He told me his real name was Adna .

And as a baby he had been taken in by a childless earth couple .

A woman had handed him in to the authorities after saying she had found him on a boat called The Ark.

No one had ever claimed him and so he had been given the earth name Noah.

He then went on to tell me the female that had handed him in , had in-fact been his Earth mother.

But it did not take long to find a child broody couple.

The love had Easily flowed until Adna’s differences showed.

This made them disown him and want to adopt a girl instead and so he got sent to a children’s home.

But all was not lost as that home had become a sanctuary for further developments.

He had been able to fit in well and left alone to get on with his growth ,

Here he was never questioned or forced to blend into a world of normality.

In this home everyone had their own story and was different in some way.

But the day had now come for Adna to leave the home .

So many miles he had walked in search of the questions to the answers that he seeked.

I pried more as to why it was now he had chosen to leave.

He then stood out of the shadow and showed me.

I gasped at the alien that stood before me.

But all was not lost and I knew what to do.

“ I know the way “ I smiled

We did not have far to walk for I Somehow knew home was only a few fields away.

And yes there it was .

We now stood and watched as the craft lowered itself.

Adna then took my hand into his and said

“ I knew you would come “

As we boarded I smiled as a voice from the craft said

“ welcome home “

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