Submitted by Celaid Degante


Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.


It was never meant to get this far. Amara was only 16, but she was already down on life. Her parents were constantly abusive, and trained her to think that she was worthless at a very young age. It was only when Amara grew up that she realized the horrid way she was treated.

It was when she was 17 that she decided to leave the house for good. The only thing tying her heart to her house was her little sister, who was only 11 years old. When Amara announched to her sister, Lily, that she was leaving home, tears welled in her eyes. She cried silently on Amara’s lap, causing wet stains on her dress. When the tears finally subsided, she spoke.

“I love you so much, Amara.” Lily picked up her favorite teddy beat and put it into Amaras hands.

“Lily…I hope you forgive me” Amara began.

“No, Amara. I understand. If i had enough money and will, i would go, too.”

Amara remorsed at not being able to take Lily with her, due to her not being old enough for the cheap life Amara was shurely going to go through.

“Amara, I want to go. Please let me!”

Amara slowly shook her head.

Amara stood up and turned to the door. Amara hesitated by the doorknob. How could she do this? How could she leave Lily alone with her parents?

Finally, she made a decision that would change both of their lives.

“Okay, Lily. You’re coming with me.”

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