Write a Christmas story that contains an alternative character to Santa Claus.

If, like us, you think a magical old man visitng children under the cover of night, is creepy, then try to think of an alternative character that could be responsible for producing presents.

Honey Troubles

Dr. Bumbledon’s bulbous belly was so large that each time he tried to use the drainage system to deliver teenagers their monthly honey, he would have to yank his remarkable tummy through each drain. One time, he even had to ask for help on the street for strangers to help pull him out. Dr. Bumbledon however, was too proud to discard his prize possession. He vowed that he would never leave anything on his plate.

Word on the street was the he had a personal assistant to feed him his favourite nosh - which happened to be cheese. He loved all kinds of cheese - from goat’s cheese to cheddar, to Brie to Swiss.

Dr. Bumbledon was a big man (as you can imagine) with a great, big, black beard and thick, curly moustache. He had an abnormally small nose and thin eyebrows. He had a little hair left on his head, complete with an oval-shaped bald patch directly in the centre.

His clothing consisted of honeycomb patterned Pjs with a mustard baseball hat to cover his head. Lastly, he wore cowboy boots that unusually came in the colour of neon brown (if that was possible).

He was a rather jolly man, though if you caught him on a bad day he would grunt when you asked him anything to do with his job. It was a rather odd form of Russian roulette.

There were often plenty of rumours to do with Dr. Bumbledon and they were mostly related to his belly. Some said that he shoved sixteen pillows up his top and that he was a fraud to get teenagers to save the bee world. Others said that he would simply be fed grapes all day by his servant, Thomas. No one had ever seen Thomas of course, for it was all in people’s heads.

The teenagers that would be given honey wouldn’t eat it, as this was a different kind of honey. This honey, was only for decoration purposes (it is strictly forbidden to know why) and so people in Youngton village had a cellar, where they would store each jar of honey. After a while, you can imagine that people’s basements would soon be filled to the brim with the ‘honey-that-could-never-be-eaten-and-only-remained-for-aesthetic-purposes’. Well, you might wonder what the people of Younton village did with all the honey. Well, let me be straightforward.

The people of Youngton village threw the bottles of honey out on to the streets, causing the whole town the be caked in a mustard-covered substance.

You could say, that it was more of a pigsty than a village.

And you could only imagine how happy the bees are all year round.

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