Not Your Fault

I stapled another paper to the wooden light post. A tear ran down my cheek. This is all my fault. I should’ve listened...

‘Missing: Alex O’Brian - around 6’3” - last seen in a red hoodie and faded blue jeans -

if seen please call...’

I fell onto the concrete, tears streaming down my face. I should’ve taken it seriously, he was concerned and I blew him off. This is my fault, I could’ve helped him.

I sat on the sidewalk for a while, just crying. I couldn’t help it. I looked up at the paper with my brother’s face printed on it. Maybe if I had taken the time to actually hear him out he would still be here, holding me in his arms and telling me everything is alright.

But he’s not, and it’s completely on me.

I burst out crying again and I buried my head in my knees.

My head snapped up to see a person behind me as a warm hand was placed on my shoulder, pulling me from my depressive thoughts. I was brought into a hug as I realized it was my mom. I couldn’t help but just cry into her chest.

“I’m so sorry mom. This is my fault.” I sobbed. She brought my head up to look at her. She shook her head.

“This was not your fault honey. You couldn’t have known this was gonna happen. Even if he did tell you his concerns, he’s a jokester, sometimes you never know what’s true or not, this was just one of those moments. This really is not your fault.” I looked into her eyes that were slightly teary and I hugged her tighter.

We didn’t say anything else. Just sat there and hugged, comforting each other’s weeping form.

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