
The thought t blazes into thought as I mutter “you knew this all along!” Peering at the ground, shaking my head, I allow the error to sink into my very existence, allowing the fluttering of electrical pulses to take flight, altering my mind to better accompany me in my journey through life.

So imagine it, there’s seemingly infinite funding set aside for all of the worlds distasteful funds, put in full force times a million- healthcare becomes a universal right, genetics have come to a point where inherited illness is a thing of the past. So everyone is living a healthy functional life- the physical aspect of themselves, these services have not only been provided to them, but statute has been created that makes regular checkups and routine appointments mandatory.

Do you see one of the multitude of ways that this story could go horribly awry? Having a hand in such a significant part of people’s lives cuts out parts of responsibility and effort that typically is needed to ensure you’re in good health. Removing the structural planning, implementing, and such reduces the control that the people have. There are no more physical ailments to impede our actions which blows the doors open for potential mental health issues that cannot be forced on anyone, the effort must take place on their part. Think of it as giving a 9 year old child the keys to your car, they’re not ready for this task and no different than teaching a child how to be an adult by pushing it out of the nest shortly after it’s born like a bird.

Regardless of how advanced or evolved we might become, one cannot surpass the limitations that are set by our genetics, physical bodies, and the physiology that is finely tuned to maintain the simplest of tasks while also allowing room for more complicated ones to take place. People are no different than flowers, if you love and appreciate a flower, leave it in its environment that allowed for it to exist in the first place, taking it up by the roots is entirely too traumatic for the system to be an effective method. Maybe that’s the lesson in this whole ordeal, to let things be, to not be so drawn to individuals who might be in desperate need of an attitude and perspective change so that they can actually begin to live a life of their own design, reconnect with self, and at the same time become a better person throughout the whole ordeal. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger or there’s the option of becoming more susceptible to specific things, but this in itself is an opportunity to grow and increases their potential ceiling, they’re no longer a rust bucket sitting on cinder blocks, but a sleek new vehicle in which they’re better able to take in the world around them because they’re not just another carbon copy of what their subconscious/unconscious minds might force them into being.

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