Submitted by Aeris

As a joke, you ordered something elaborate that wasn’t on the menu at a restaurant. You didn’t know that it was a code word…

The Joke That Went To Far

So, I am a bit of a prankster. I remember the day that I accidentally took a joke too far. I only did it once. Never again.

The sun was shining, it was a Saturday night, and my friends and I were watching TV. After the game, we went to get burgers to celebrate. I ordered buffalo wings with very crazy, very spicy sauces. That day when the order was taken, the police showed up. Everyone panicked. They thought I knew someone had an explosive on them. I hate code words. Damn, I can never have any fun. I almost got arrested. I had to write a letter of apology to the restaurant as well as the police department. That was not a fun day.

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