The Shore

Gasping for air between waves I tried to swim my way back to shore. Each wave came on like a large area rug being shot out of a high powered cannon disintegrating after impact.

Wave after wave I endured only breathing the bare minimum to survive. I could see the shore but I could not see anyone coming to my rescue, come to think of it I couldn’t see anyone at all. The waves towered over me. for the life of me which I might not have much left I can’t remember why I’m even out here, was I surfing? I haven’t surfed in years, have I? Surely I’m not at the beach alone. The beach becoming more distant I struggled to swim as hard as I could but I seemed to only be drifting further. The sea birds flew over me almost tauntingly,

“Sucks to suck” I imagined the birds squeaking

“Fuck you birds” i shouted between gulps of sea water

Where am I? Why am I here? And why can’t I get any closer to the shore?

OK time to figure this out swimming isn’t helping I’m past the surf now maybe I can see what’s going on. It was at this moment I realized I was wearing a tuxedo, shoes the whole deal

“The fuck” I said as I bobbed in the water

The strangest thing happened next like a bullet shooting through the backside of a target a large tentacle erupted from sea before I could do anything it had me wrapped. Terrified I tried my best to struggle but it was as if I was paralyzed I couldn’t even seem to open my eyes this was gonna be the last moment of my life. I felt the weight of the world on me as I continued to struggle but couldn’t even move a muscle. as all this was beginning to feel familiar the mysterious tentacle pulled me underwater. I gasped for my last breath as the light faded. I woke up in a pool of sweat in my bed, in my house , surrounded by my things. Laying next to me the tentacle herself my fiancée. I gotta get back to the shore I thought.

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