Wrong Turn

After 3 Couples Decided On A Day They Were Will Take A Long Get Away Trip To A Cabin In The Woods Near Vidor Texas

They All Agreed To Pay For A Driver To Escort Them To Their Intended Destination

One Of The Couples Reached Out To A Local Guy Who Owned A Small Tour Bus To Check His Fees And Availability

The Guy Agreed To Drive The Group Without Any Hesitation

Early One Morning The Couples All Meet In A Parking Lot Where The Driver Of The Tour Bus Agreed To Picked Everyone Up

The Driver Arrived, Introduced Him Self To The Rest Of The Couples, Then They Were On Their Way

The Destination Was About 3 Hrs To The Old Cabin Deep In In The Woods Where They Had Plained To Stay

After 2 1/2 Hours Of Being On The Road, They Exited Off The Highway, And Made A Turn On A Road Into A Heavily Wooded Area

The Bus Began To Smoke, The Driver Began Slowing Down Saying That He Is Losing Power The Engine, Then The Bus Just Stopped.

The Couples Began To Panic For They Knew The History Of These Parts And Was Concerned Of Being Stranded On Some Unknown Families Property In The Dark

The Driver Couldn’t Get The Bus To Start

The Guys Suggested They Walk The Rest Of The Way But After Calculating The Distance It Will Take Up To 10 Hrs

It Started Getting Late So They All Agreed To Settle In On The Bus As If It Was A First Night In Town

The Next Day A Sheriff Pulled Up Behind The Bus To Investigate, Searched For People To Offer Help And Scanned The Entire Area

No One Was To Be Found


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