“I warned my brother that not everyone liked his practical jokes.”

Write a story beginning with this sentence.

Girls don’t like Pranks

I warned my brother that not everyone liked his practical jokes, especially girls. I told him they think it’s immature and it would only make them dislike him more. But I couldn’t stop him, all he cared about was impressing her.

“You think she’s gonna want to go out with you after you pull a prank on her?” I said.

“ Sure! Girls like someone who makes them laugh. Plus, she’s in my class and she’s always joking around”. He said.

“There’s other ways to be funny.” I said. But he ignored me and resealed the sugar packet.

“Classic salt instead of sugar prank.” He said. “ She’ll come to confront me, and I’ll say ‘well how else was I supposed to get your attention?’ She’ll think it’s cute and I’ll end up with a date. “ He smiled and winked at me .

The very moment he saw her sit down at a table with her coffee, he grabbed the sugar packets and walked towards her.

“You don’t like sugar in your coffee?” He said as he stood next to her. She looked up confused at him.

“Um... well, yes” she said, “But there were no more sugar packets.”

“Well, your lucky because I happen to have extra packets.” He handed her the sugar.

“Oh, really? Well, thank you.” She started to open the packets and my brother walked back to our table.

“I really wish you could understand the stupidity in this.”

“Brother,” he said. “ Your too serious. You don’t understand how to have fun.”

Then it happened. The girl had taken a sip of her coffee, and in tasting the salt, she spit it back into the mug. Once she recovered from this shock, she shot a furious glance at my brother, who was pretending to text on his cell phone. She stormed over to our table.

“Oh, no.” I grumbled.

“Did you think that was funny?!” She yelled at my brother. He looked up at her as if he didn’t know what she was talking about.

“Sorry, what was that?”

“You ruined my coffee! I spent money on that, money that I don’t have, only to keep me awake to study! Now you’ve ruined it and possibly my entire semester!” Her face was burning red, yet she seemed to be trying to hide a smile.

“Now, I think your being a little dramatic” said my brother. I flinched. My brother started again.

“ How else was I supposed to...” but she cut him off.

“Your such an immature, selfish child!” She took a quick glance at my brother’s unopened soda bottle, and smirked.

“Enjoy your soda.” And she stormed out of the cafe. My brother and I shot a curious look at each other. He opened the soda, and heard a plop. Suddenly the soda began fizzing up and spilling all over my brother. Shocked, my brother looked at me, then started laughing.

“What a woman!” He said. “I told you, brother! You need to have some more fun in life!”

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