Photo by Annite Spratt @ Unsplash

Create a story or poem with the theme of 'Dead Roses'.
Peace And Loss #3
The day he had stood their with the roses
It was so long ago
The day he left
I kept the roses to remember him
When they had wilted in the jar
So I put them by my bedside
To remember
The day he left
I went to the store
To buy Rose seeds
I planted them and watched over them
Every day I think about
The day he left
The Rose seeds grow and i watch them sprout
They creep up towards the sun
And then all my hard work payed of
Leaving me thinking about
The day he left
And i come back from work one afternoon
And see the roses just like the roses on my bedside table
Empty, colorless and dead
I fall to the ground and cry about my dead roses and
The day he left