First Winter

The wood planks groan with each step as I make my way across the front porch. I halt on the first stair and watch as a cloud of perspiration builds with each breath. A cold breeze blows my soft blonde hair across my face, lightly kissing my icy cheeks. Peering out over the front yard, I shield my eyes as the sun deflects beams of light off the white blanket below. Taking my first step, I feel my feet take on a life of their own, going in opposite directions of my body. I quickly grab the banister and brace for my life as my feet continue to slide down the steps.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs I slide my foot across the pavement, feeling for solid ground to stand on. I find a dry piece of land and decide it is my best option. I push myself off the banister and settle into my new territory. Examining the winter wonderland around me, I lean forward and push my hand into the sparkling snow, leaving an imprint of my identity. I then scoop up a pile with my hands and watch as it turns to liquid, mesmerized by its fragility.

I slowly fall back, using the snow as a pillow and smile up at the soft flakes falling above me. I stick out my tongue, drinking in the sky and wish for a long winter. I don’t want this fairytale to end.

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