Write a Christmas story that contains an alternative character to Santa Claus.

If, like us, you think a magical old man visitng children under the cover of night, is creepy, then try to think of an alternative character that could be responsible for producing presents.


“Why, do you hear that!?” The typical holiday mother said to the rose cheeked children.

It was not the sound of sleigh bells. Nor was it the sound of reindeer, or sleds. It was not the sound of some jolly laugh, or elves or any sort of Santa related nonsense.

Instead it was the sound of a World War 2 era Sherman tank. All of the kids ran excitedly outside in anticipation. Sure enough, the treads came scratching down the alleyway until the tank came to a stop, pointing the barrel towards the children.

A man with a typical crue cut popped open the hatch and pointed out to the children. “You have been targeted by MISSLE TOE!” The man announced… much like a killer robot. Then he pulled his leg up to expose a foot with a giant rocket launcher attached to his big toe. “Prepare for christmas!” He said.

Then the launcher shot out presents in neatly wrapped boxes at the children. Each of them scrambled to catch a present, some of them getting pushed backwards and onto their bottoms. When the show was over, Missle Toe said nothing and closed the hatch of the tank. Then the Sherman tank rolled on…

That was the tradition of old Missle Toe. Coming by to attack all the children with a bombardment of presents from his Sherman Tank.

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