
Salty crashing waves engulfed me in bitter regret. In an instance, I felt my heart drop knowing nothing was ever going to remain the same. Minutes turned to hours, hours to days and days to weeks. All without the bright rays of sunlight that once warmly beamed across my skin. Yet all I could feel was the shivering frigid darkness I drowned into. Intoxicated by the salty waters that seeped into my wounds, creating an agonizing sting in my heart.

As I sunk deeper into the guilt of my own actions, I’m left wondering how much longer I can drown before hitting rock bottom. The heart wrenching cries from above break through the surface and leave me crying down below. My own tears disappear within the vast void of murky depths.

Finally reaching the bottom, the crushing weight of guilt pins me down. The brick of regret holding me captive, much too heavy to escape. So I sit under the accountability of my mistakes, slowly losing oxygen. Shame constricts my lungs leaving me gasping for breath.

As my eyes squinted upwards through the gloomy waters of remorse, I spot a shadow of the angel I hurt shedding tears of her own into my ocean. The salty taste of heartache from both our souls creating a wide abyss of agony of which I suffocated in.

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