You wake up in a dark, empty room chained to the floor. There is a note next to your feet from yourself telling you to get out immediately.
Continue the story.
Finding myself
Thousands of thoughts instantly rush through my head.but the one that caught my attention was who am I?
It wasn’t until I came to my senses that slowly water was filling up around me. I felt the fierce, cold water grasp
my toes. I squirmed uncomfortably and marked my wrists on the tightly gripped whole body tingled as the water reached my heart jumped as the roof opened to reveal a blinding sun pounding at my eyes. I was baffled as helicopters encircled the area. Men in heavy duty armour came down from the helicopters using rope and I couldn’t believe my eyes as I saw what they were doing. One of them held a chainsaw, whilst the others held him up. They cut my chains off but then everything went black. One of the men had let go of the guy with the chainsaw and he had slipped and pierced my stomach. I awoke almost exactly 30 seconds after the cur and realised that I was 10 feet below water. Due to my training in NAVY SEALS, I knew what to do. The cut wasn’t deep, but due to the water I was loosing excessive blood. I could hold my breath for 5 minutes as long as I was at least only 20 feet down. Due to my body Weight, and the salinity of the water I calculated that I was sinking at 1 meter every 10 seconds. If I swam up now, I would pass out and given that we i was in the middle of the ocean, there would be no medical help to stabilise my body. I looked down and saw a circular imprint on the bed of the sea. Or was I still in the room? That didn’t matter. 3 minutes. He scanned the area and saw a red control box. As he swam to it, something grabbed his leg. He looked back to see a dark figure with a golden mask on his face. As I reached for the control box I must have hit my head because the next thing I knew, I. I. I mean , I. I don’t know! Everything still lay black. I thought back, and realised something that I had forgotten. I breathed. Suddenly i felt the water fill my lungs as I violently kicked and screamed. As I take my last breath, I...