Write a scene where a character confesses their (unreturned) love for another.

Bitter Objectivity

"I love you" he said as these were words choked by the beat of his heart."I love you despite the fact that you make me feel ignorant,call me every name in the book from gym rat to beef head,and use every possible chance to put me down with your sharp intellect and wit,just like you do with everybody else but I’m not everybody else because I know why you do it,we are the same you and I we put other people down to feel better about ourselves I use my brawn and you use your words,only I know why I did that, I just wanted to make them hurt the way I hurt for so many years,and I think you do the same thing you use your insults and one liners to take other people down a peg because somebody did the same thing to you."but we don’t have to do this" he said tears swelling in his eyes with desperation,we can only stop this pain we feel with the love for each. Her eyes glaze over with contempt with bitter objectivity she responds"I can’t love you".

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