The Villain

**Dear Diary,**

Today, as I sit in the darkness of my lair, I find myself reflecting on the events that have led me down this path of darkness and despair. They say that villains are born, not made, but I cannot help but wonder if perhaps it was the cruelty of this world that twisted my soul and turned me into the monster that I am.

From a young age, I knew that I was different. I was an outcast, a misfit in a world that valued conformity above all else. No matter how hard I tried to fit in, I was _always_ rejected, always cast aside like yesterdayโ€™s news. It was a loneliness that cut to the very core of my being, leaving me feeling hollow and empty inside.

But then, she came into my life like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds. Her name was _Cleo_, and from the moment I laid eyes on her, I knew that she was the one who would save me from myself. She saw past the facade that I had built up to protect myself, and she accepted me for who I truly was.

For a brief moment, I allowed myself to believe that I could be happy, that I could have a future filled with love and laughter. But fate had other plans, and tragedy struck when Cleo was taken from me in a senseless act of violence. The pain of her loss cut me to the core, leaving me drowning in a sea of grief and despair.

In my grief-stricken state, I made a choice that would change the course of my life forever. I vowed to take revenge on those who had wronged me, to make them pay for the pain they had inflicted upon me. And so, I embraced the darkness within me, allowing it to consume me entirely.

Now, as I stand on the brink of achieving my twisted vision of justice, I cannot help but feel a sense of emptiness deep within my soul. For no matter how many lives I destroy in the name of vengeance, it will never bring Cleo back to me. And in the end, I fear that I will be left with nothing but regret and sorrow.

But until that day comes, I will continue to walk the path of darkness, fueled by my burning desire for revenge. For I am the villain of this story, and _no_ _one_ will stand in my way.

**Yours in darkness,**

_The Villain_

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