Write a scene where a character is experiencing either rage or grief.
Try to describe not just annoyance or sadness, but the full force of rage or grief. How do people realistically act when they are experiencing these emotions?
My hate for you swells beneath my skin.
Throbbing, making my bones vibrate.
Brewing beneath for years, spilling over now.
As I lay here in the dark, my dreams turn to you.
Not in the way one would imagine.
I dream of your demise.
In more ways than one.
I wish and pray, for your end.
For that would end this.
This state of my dismissal.
I question whether I blame you or myself.
How dare I let you in?
I digress.
Turning my thoughts.
However sharp, it turns back to you.
How dare you?
You selfish, reckless fool.
As my eyes grow heavy, I drift into reverie.
I lose myself once again, to you.
Waking with a jerk, promising not to allow you back in.