Submitted by kris harrison
I wish I never
Write a story or poem using this as the opening line
I wish I never kissed that boy
The one who wasn’t my boyfriend.
The one I argued on street corners with.
The one who told me he’d never met anyone like me.
The one I stayed up late talking, deep into the night.
The one who skipped work to take me out.
The one who said he loved me.
The one I kissed again.
The one I kept saying no to.
The one I enjoyed having power over. The one I knew would do anything for me.
The one I kissed a third time.
The one who told me I was the one.
The one who wasn’t the one.
The one I kissed a fourth time.
The one who has a heart I once broke.
Stomped on
That one. I wish I’d never kissed him.