In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.
Write a poem ending with this line.
Take The Risk!!
It’s a Sunday afternoon, I’m sitting in my car peacefully staring at the beautiful trees, the bright blue sky with minimal clouds, and kids playing on my neighborhood street. A minute later a rush of guilt and despair take over my calm state of being. I feel pathetic. All week I have been waiting for the weekend, daydreaming about what I was going to do. I wanted to go to the gym, go on a hike, do all of my laundry, clean the kitchen.. What did I end up doing? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Yes, I did do a load of laundry but that was about it. Instead I sat on the couch the majority of the time and basically stared at my phone and the wall. When I do that I feel like shit. Yes my body needs rest, but what it really needs is to feel alive. When I tell my friends I will hang out I feel so good. When I go on a run alone around the block even though I’m nervous at first I feel great after. Life is not meant to be wasted away in a box made from wood and dry wall full of electronics and furniture. Life is meant to be lived. and what comes with living is exploring, laughing, taking those risks that make you want to poop your pants, giving a kid five dollars for his lemonade stand. Without taking chances what is life? Taking chances created life. If Eve never took the chance to eat the apple where would we be? If your mom didn’t take the chance to meet your dad would you even exist? Do what your souls calls you to do, don’t put it off for next month or a year from now. Do it now. Because the last feeling you want is regret and guilt from the fact that it’s too late now.