Submitted by Lockitt Mobby
Write a scene where a superhero must reveal their true identity to someone they care for.
Walking Away
The city lay a waste land before her eyes. A fight she had lost and no longer could fight. The Aliens breaking through the atmosphere, killing everything and anything in sight. Women and children, often gathered and exported somewhere in a flash. She knew this was something even she could not protect the city from. Not when her wife was one of the women gathered and teleported somewhere. She needed to be captured. She needed to find her wife. Wherever she was, they needed to always be together.
Her uniform and mask torn and bloody from fighting off too many at once. Her energy drained. But maybe she’d be able to sneak into a group of women. And as she darted between rubble and smoke, she came across a group. She mingled into the mass, keeping low. And then a cold shiver ran across her skin and then a sharp pain. Blackness and then blue.
It was a sky. Air that felt fresher than what lay on planet earth. Trees of colors never seen before. Women, often gathered all kinds helping the human women up, leading them to water and huts that lined up like a perfect surburbia, perfectly in harmony with nature.
She looked around. Eyes searching frantically for a mess of red curls and pale freckled skin. Anything gasp was heard behind her. A whisper fell in waves, murmuring the name she so despised at the moment
“Golden Weaver!” Was whispered throughout the crowds.
And then a tall woman stood. The curls and pale skin she had been looking for. Tears streamed down her face as she ran towards the woman, her wife. At first the tall woman was confused. Worry on her face. She ripped off her mask, no longer caring that every woman would know her face now. She just wanted her wife.