struggle ©2019 Darnok9

Write a story or poem based on the image
I’m sorry Eli
The blood was coming slower now.
The fever was setting in.
‘Just a little further’
I grit my teeth.
‘ last look...just one more’
The old subway cart pulls into view.
My walking slows but it helps me keep quite.
I peak through the door one last time.
Eli is jabbing the dim fire with a stick as Cammie lies near by. Her eyes meet mine and her tail weakly waggles.
My tears burn my eyes as my vision wobbles.
‘I’m so sorry old girl I’m so sorry. ‘
My heart is trying to tug it’s way out of chest so it can run over and hug my love one last time. But it’d be too dangerous.
Shaking my head, I quickly scribble my feelings on the back of one cereal boxes I scavenged. So much to say, so little time. No time.
I pack my pact down with my gun.
And run.
The pain is beyond terrible. The bites tear wider as I run but I have to get away!
I hear my name called and Cammies barks as my vision goes creamy. The ladders right there.
Please Eli, stay back. I’m sorry.
My legs stop.
I’m trapped in my own body.
I hear their footsteps.
No. Please. Don’t do this.
Eli, I’m sorry.