Write a first person narrative from a character who has lost, or struggles with, their memory.
Protagonists who have lost their memories are often hard to characterise because they lack backstory and long-term links with other characters. Think about elements of their personality, speech, and behaviour that you can use instead of backstory to build and develop them.
My eyes opened and closed. Opened and closed. Desperately not wanting to return to painful consciousness, but some primal part of me feeling the necessity of it.
After many tries, I was able to keep my eyes open long enough to get a look. There wasn’t much to see, it was so dark. I feared I might be blind.
“N-n-no, oh God no,” I was able to mutter through freezing, dry lips. I raised a trembling hand to my face, but instead of the skin to skin I was expecting I felt the cushion blow against something in front of my eyes. The darkness shifted and I realized I had something on my face. I quickly wrestled off what I discover to be skiing goggles and was relieved that I was, in fact, not blind.
Sitting up now I could see trees all around me. The sun was giving it’s final light, like a guest mostly out of the door giving his last wave.
I stood to my feet in panic. My head throbbed. I felt a burning rage sweep through me. As I took it all in. No food, no water, no idea how far I was from shelter. “Ahhhh!” I yelled as I took a swing at the nearest tree.
I felt a flash of pain as even through my glove the blow to my hand was throbbing.