The Pirate

“Where the hell did you get this?” He says as his shot glass falls off the table. One of many shots I believe. He holds the bag a respectable distance away. The way he holds it makes me think it might try to bite him. “In the old Alvala ruins in a chest.” I say. “Ahh” is all he says.”Why were you there? And who even are you?” He asks. “Belavora, one of the Queens renowned privateers.”. “Really? Well thanks for bringing back some not so great memories now can you go and bury back where you found it?” He asks sarcastically. I don’t like sarcasm used on me but I will use it mercilessly on others. “No actually” I say in a tone that makes him look back at me. “Your actually going to come with us and help us find more of it”.”I am not going to go and help you find the thing that showed me the bottom of many bottles!” He hollers and looks away back at the table. “Your coming with us.” I say.” No I’m-Wait “us”? What do you mean us?” He asks. I look behind him and he catches it. My crew of the “Dangerous Maiden” throws the sack over him and hauls him out of the bar. He wriggles and yells all the way to the ship.”Permission the knock him out?” Mal, my second mate says.”No he’s mine.” I say as I walk over to the sack. He pops his head out of it and I bring a empty bottle down on his head. Then he’s out like a light.

It takes about six hours to get to Alvala by boat. He’s awake before we get there and he knows exactly where we’re heading. My crew already had him tied up to the mast before he awoke. He mumbles for a minute before registering where he is.”No” he says as he sees the shore line “Why would you bring me here.”. He looks down. “You never told me why you hate Alvala so much.”. “You know the Alvala isle houses the most gold on the entire planet right? That why we have so many gold mines.” He asks without looking up. Dazed at some distance memory. “Yeah” I say a little unsure.He sighs “ I wasn’t the one that found the gold on the Alvala isles. Maria was. She always knew there was more on the isles.” He says “ She put us to work and we built all the mines. That’s when she called me out after I had found what was the 7th mine and we got 25,000,000 picadas for it. Our biggest mine yet. So we worked together a lot and it got interesting. After a while we got serious and we thought about settling. Then we got a deal that doubled all the others but we were on borrowed time so we found a mining site and started there we didn’t care about any of the safety concerns. We found the mine that day and were going to work on it the next day. Well sometime in the night she got a message saying that our time had been cut short. So she didn’t wake me so I could go and help her. She went to the cave alone then there was a cave in and now your going to bring me right back here.”. “ I feel sorry but I need to money.” I say as my crew drags him to life boat. We get to the cave and he stops swearing and freezes. We get in and I look back “Where to now?” I say “Hell” he says as he rams the wall. Rocks fall everywhere I yell “Cave in!” And we all run to the entrance of the cave but it’s to late.

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