Plastic Benjamin

I hate that I’m going to have to pretend.

I abhor pretending.

I took a deep breath as I saw the two of them round the brick building corner from the parking lot, staring into each other's eyes and hand-in-hand like a stupid Disney sitcom.

“Charlotte!” Sam skipped up and swung her arms around me in a strong squeeze. I haven’t known her too long, but we’ve already become so close.

She beamed all wide-eyed and pretty next to her skyscraper boyfriend. At 5’10” and 6’6”, they were quite a sight to behold. Literally Abercrombie models. I’m pencil-thin too, but not in a pretty way.

“This is-“

“Benjamin?” I mustered up the most bewildered look I could.

“Charlotte!” He grinned.

“Charlotte is one of my best employees.”

She beamed so hard now she was practically a lighthouse. Being mildly amused he nodded to her.

“I didn’t know this Benjamin was your boss!”

“Sure is. What Benjamin could run Armitage Insurance better than Benjamin Armitage?”

They both laughed, though his was a smidge weaker. Still hand-in-hand, she swung his a bit. “We’ve been dating for a couple of weeks now. I wanted to put some time into it before I told you. You understand, right?” Her country accent twanged as she gave me her famous puppy-dog eyes.

Chuckling I nodded, “Of course friend.

I understand.”

“I hope this won’t be too awkward for you Charlotte.”

Oh, you have no idea you insolent fool.

Or maybe you do, whatever.

I put on my best Hollywood actress face,

“Nah boss, it’s all good! Just treat my friend right and everything’s cool!”

He coughed and pushed up his tortoiseshell frames then motioned towards the front doors,

“Shall we go in then?”

- - -

Dinner was great I mean- I ate all my garlic bread for one thing, but even still, most of my fettuccine remained in the bowl. My stomach was just not having it tonight for some reason; like it knew something bad was going to happen.

Thoughts flooded my head all night.

How on Earth was I going to tell Sam that something just isn’t right with her ‘Mr. Right?’

I found out they got together after they’d been only dating for about a few days. Freddie in accounting has a mouth big enough to make a mahjong group blush, bless him.

I had been working for two years under Benjamin’s father-a strict, scary gentleman in his own right, but who left me alone for the most part because I was one of his most valued and high-performing employees-then he acquired the business after his father retired.

Harold was scary, but Benjamin was unsettling.

Every girl in the office fell to his feet and worshipped him, but I just rolled my eyes and tried to keep a low profile.

Something was off with him though, even if I was the only one who saw it.

The girls would go on and on about his ‘dreamy eyes’, while all I saw were two holes in his head and a clown mask plastered over his face.

He was… “too” kind, “too” sweet, “too” dumb and innocent. He laughed too much.

He smiled too much. Everything about him silently spoke to me just above a whisper, “Avoid him. He is dangerous.”

Despite the several employee of the month awards, commendation, occasional treats- just no. I wouldn’t trust him with my stamp collection, let alone my wallet.

He also had questionable friendships with the outwardly unsavory characters around the office.

“Oh, he’s just friends with everyone.

Give him a break will you?” George from maintenance groaned.

“He can’t help that he’s well-liked by everyone and you’re not. Put yourself out there like he does and warm up a little will ya sunshine?”

Geez, George.

Sam rose from her chair,

“Good heavens, I need the bathroom. I’ll be back.”

She sashayed away swinging her ponytail back and forth.

I was moving my fettuccine from side to side with my fork when suddenly I felt very cold.

My stomach’s prophecy was about to come true.

I lifted my head and saw a completely different man glaring at me.

His voice was icy, low, and flat; a way of speaking that everyone could never believe belonged to ‘Good Ol’ Benjamin.’

“I love Sam. I love her very much, and I know she loves me too,” he paused and took a sip of his wine, he looked at the glass, “Sam and her lovely family, as I hear it, also has quite the small fortune.” He set his glass down and abruptly leaned in from across the table; staring at me with those dead holes for eyes and lingering for a bit. Breath reeking of garlic he sputters as he puts a death grip on my wrist while scratching it in the process, “If you even think- about changing her mind about me for just a moment,” our noses were almost touching now, “I will- end your life. Maybe just your career. We’ll see.”

I’m shaking violently. My wrist is throbbing.

Tears are falling. I feel violated, weak, empty, and sick. I’m whimpering loudly now.

He lets go of me and smacks the table loud enough to draw attention from nearby patrons. “Stop it,” he hissed.

He leans back to a normal sitting position and rests his elbows on the table yawning as if he does this every Tuesday night. A slightly warmer voice returns, “You’re going to be a good girl and cover the tab for us. Got it?” He smiled wryly.

I nodded, and with what composure I could muster, I dug into my purse and put my credit card at the far end of the table with the check.


I need to get out of here, I need to run.

What am I going to do? Can I even help Sam now?

Stiletto heels began to click-clack furiously on the tile floors as Sam rushed over to our table.

“Oh my god! What happened?! Are you okay?!”

Her eyes shined with concern and shock as she gently rubbed my back and took her cloth napkin to my tears.

She turned to Benjamin, “Baby, what in the world happened?! I was only gone for like five minutes!”

Plastic Benjamin was now back, better than ever, full throttle. High-toned melodramatic fakery almost squeaked out of him, “Just as Charlotte paid for our meal, she got some very upsetting news over the phone!”

At that moment the waitress came and took the check from the table.

Sam got on her knees and put her hands on my shoulders, then gently turned me to face her and spoke softly like a song, “Char? Is this all true? What happened? How can I help? Is there anything I can do to make whatever is going on better?”

She wiped away more tears.

All I can do is shake like a leaf, whimper, and leak fluid from my eyes.

Run. Run. Run.

It’s all I have on my mind. I have to go.

I’m in danger.

I instantly rose from my chair, “I have to go now Sam-“ my voice cracks, “I’m so sorry.”

Cries bellowed from my body as I dashed out the door, completely abandoning my credit card because at this point that’s the least of my problems.

I ran and I ran and I ran until I reached the end of the parking lot seeking shelter in my rusty old Honda.

What do I do now?

How do I save Sam?

Or can I only save myself?

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