In a world where people don't have all their senses until they turn 18, your protagonist wakes up on their birthday to a whole new experience.

What will the protagonist feel for the first time? How can you describe this sense as if it's never been experienced before?

if you could see it in color

i woke up, didn’t even open my eyes, and i knew something was wrong. then it hit me. it’s my eighteenth birthday. i’ve been dreading this day. i cant handle change. i hate change. i’ve learned to live without sight, why begin to see now? i open my eyes, and everything is so, bland. i knew i would hate it, and i do. on my journey down the stairs, i realize that this is much easier. “mom,” “happy birthday, laura!” “thanks mom, but i hate sight.” she frowns. “why? i love it.” “yeah well i’m not you. i thought it would be colorful. that’s what they taught me in elementary.” her eyes widen. “oh, it is colorful. you’re colorblind. oh, no, no, no.” “i cant see color?” i almost screech. “no, you cant.” “can i get it fixed?” “no, you cant.”
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