Submitted by Shadowdrake27

Write about a character who is up against impossible odds.

Your character doesn’t have to succeed or fail, they just have to know the odds are against them.

File Number 356 Subject: Police Report

✔Download: Allise Hudson police interview .pdf

Page 1

September 13th 2012

DCI Rolan: Do I really have to ask you

again? It’s clear that you were the murderer of Johnson Smith, we both know it, so please just confess that you are guilty and we can get this interview over with, eh?

AH: I’m so sorry, I’ve already told you sir, I’m not guilty I promise you, I’m so tired and I have a headache you have to listen to me, I’m not the murderer!

DCI Rolan: Right..... Allise you know what you did wrong. All the evidence is stacked against you! There’s no point, no reason to lie, just tell us the truth and everything will be ok, OK?

AH: I hope you don’t mind me asking, but what evidence do you have against me sir?

DCI Rolan: Oh, that’s easy! For starters your DNA was found all over the murder weapon, can you tell me what murder weapon you used Allise?

AH: because I didn’t use a weapon to kill anyone!

DCI Rolan: It was something you find in a tool box, can you remember Allise?

AH: Uhm... I don’t know, a hammer?

DCI Rolan: Ooh! So close, can you guess again Allise?

AH: I...I um I don’t know, like a wrench or a screwdrive.......

DCI Rolan: There we go! Now don’t pretend you can’t remember, a wrench of course! Now we are getting somewhere Allise, all you have to do now is confess!

AH: but.... I didn’t do the murder I promise, I never even....

DCI Rolan: Now, don’t play that game with me, you just told me you used a wrench! Your finger tips were all over the metal!

AH: Th...That doesn’t mean anything, I use wrenches to work, I’m a mechanic... not a murdere.....

DCI Rolan: Yes the perfect profession to take advantage of for a murder, don’t you think?

AH: L...Look I’m so tired and confused we’ve been here so long, I....I....I just I swear I’d never hurt anyone, I can’t remember that much, you see I have sh...short term memory loss, very mild bu....

DCI Rolan: Exactly! You can’t remember, you could have done anything!

AH: But I would have remembered something like that, I can remember birthdays and Christmases, very mild like I sai.....

DCI Rolan: Well, I think it’s very clear to us you are guilty! Just say it!

AH: I swear I am not, please I’m innocent

DCI Rolan: We found your fingertips on the body, you were the murderer.

AH: Really, really..... but.... I never new the victim what was the name.....? John...?

DCI Rolan: You said it yourself, you have short term memory loss.

AH: But, but it’s mild, mild memory loss!

DCI Rolan: Really? because your fingerprints and DNA are all over the victim, it’s clear you’ve forgotten, covered up the memory with your mind because you were so horrified of what you did. It’s OK, if you confess I can make everything better for you Allise.

AH: I guess it could have been me I guess the odds are stacked against me.... but I didn’t know Johnson and why would I want to kill him I can’t remember I.....

DCI Rolan: it’s ok Allise just confess, it will all be over!

AH: I guess I did it then.... I am the murderer I...I... must have killed Johnson.

DCI Rolan: There we go! I bet you fell so much better now, don’t you Allise?

AH: W...Wait... I don’t think I did kill him, no..... I can’t have!

DCI Rolan: it’s OK Allise, you have given me the words I need to hear you can go now.

AH: B..But...

DCI Rolan: No buts, it’s clear your confused, you have already confessed there’s nothing to worry about everything is over now.

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