Submitted by Lockitt Mobby

Write a scene where a superhero must reveal their true identity to someone they care for.

Communication Through Secrets

Walter noticed that his boyfriend had been acting a bit off lately. It was normal for him to be running off somewhere due to his job as a nurse, but he always made it up to Walter. Oliver always made sure to text Walter in advance if a shift came up or for his absence the next morning. Walter didn’t mind because he does the same thing. Walter’s job kept him busy so he’s always on the run too. He understood. Life was busy. Besides, communication and trust were a fundamental factor during their two-year relationship. And it worked, right?

However, for the past month, Walter realized that Oliver’s absences had become more frequent. The texts and calls in advance had lessened. Initially, he was calm about it, though a bit disappointed. There had to be a reasonable explanation.

Then, it got worse. On the rare chance they had a night in together, Oliver tried to hide welts and bruises that covered his entire body. This concerned Walter. If fact, he was livid and demanded to know who. But, Oliver awkwardly chuckled and replied that there was an unruly patient that day. Scratches and bruises were a bit normal. This, though, was excessive. Walter bit his tongue; he was not convinced but let the subject go as Oliver looked not entirely comfortable talking further about it.

However, last night, Walter came home to discover a costume soaked in blood on the floor. He stepped back-dizzy- and held onto the kitchen counter for support. It felt like he was just sucker punched. Where was Oliver?

He saw blood droplets on the floor, which led to the hall where the bathroom and bedroom are at. Walter needed to calm down. Acting out on emotion was not his style. He needed to be strategic about his next move. Walter grabbed a large knife and stealthy made his way to the bathroom first. He must make sure Oliver was okay before seeing if the assaulters where still in the apartment.

The droplets led to the bathroom door. It was propped open and Walter could feel the humidity seeping through. As he closed in he could hear groaning inside. In one movement, he steeled himself and opened the door.

In the bathroom, submerged in glowing water, was Oliver. Walter stood mesmerized by the sight, as water tendrils floated around the room.


Wide eyed, Oliver shot up from the bath and turned to Walter. Tendrils stilled in the air. Oliver was pale and, frankly, looked just like a fish out of water. Walter wanted to laugh at his lover’s priceless expression, but the mood was not appropriate. In fact, Walter thought Oliver went into actual shock. He took that moment to assess the damage. The would-be-fatal wound on Oliver’s stomach started to heal nicely. Of course, the water was healing him.

He cautiously glided towards his boyfriend, set the knife quietly on the counter, and kneeled over the tub. He gingerly cupped Oliver’s face into is hand, thumb gently rubbing his cheek. It wasn’t until Walter placed his forehead on Oliver’s until he snapped back into reality.

“W-Walter, I-I-I can explain-“ he croaked.

“Shhh,” Walter tenderly reassured,”it’s okay.”

“No! No no it’s not okay, Walt. At all” Oliver pulled away, tears in his eyes.

“I-I lied to you. All these years! That’s far from okay. It’s not. And and I’ve been telling you lies as to why I was late for dates or-or not at home because I’m really... I’m the Water Guardian.”

“Yes, yes, I know that. The world’s most moist superhero.”

“What?” Walter blinked.

“You’re not exactly great at keeping secrets, well, except for-“

“No, not about that. Also, yes, that. But what you just said. That I’m the “world’s most moist superhero”. Only the Vixen says that. Wait a moment. Walt, are you...?”

“Wait, did you now know? Oh darling, we have much to discuss but that’s for later.

“For now, please be truthful: who has been after you?” Walt’s soulless grin exposed sharp teeth and eyes turned into shadows “I wish to hunt down this nuisance who has dared to lay a finger on my love.”

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