Saerci’s tear

Frayed lace brushed the overgrown path as Saerci walked towards her grave. Her delicate steps picking a careful path through the still, grey grass. Today was the one night a year she was allowed to be anywhere in the mortal world, and she chose to stay in her graveyard. It was deserted. All the others were out, seeing family, visiting relatives, finishing honeymoons. Saerci reached her tomb and sat down on the edge, she always found Halloween a bit much.

She kicked her feet out playfully and the mist from the ground swirled up around her, she giggled and watched as it dispersed, settling back into its brooding home among the grass.

Saerci reached out and touched a rose that had grown up the side of her tomb, there were dozens of them now - if only she could remember who had planted them. She loved her roses, but she only got to see them once a year, on Halloween. She never picked them. They had such a short life, everything has such a short life, but particularly roses.

Saerci bent down to the rose and shed a tear, letting it fall perfectly in the centre, on a petal.

A misty white drop on a perfect red rose.

Until the next year.

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